Are You Smiling Yet? If not- You will be!

No one's looking, it's safe. Go ahead- Smile & have yourself a little giggle as you read about my life and the thoughts that come spilling out of my head. (Watch out for flooding though- my head's not as near as empty as my husband claims it to be!) If my ramblings don't make your day a little brighter nothing will! I promise I won't be offended if you laugh at my expense- I consider it an honor to spread happiness. Besides- if I can laugh at myself you certainly can too!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Reasons I’ve Smiled- March 18th


  1. I got the highest upsell percentage at work beating everyone- including my manager & assistant manager- AND got a kudos from our district manager.
  2. Got to go for a walk in beautiful sunshiny weather without a jacket.
  3. Listening to Eldest play at the band concert and realizing how GOOD they sound.
  4. Homemade Shamrock Shakes
  5. Finished 2 books this week- this one was really good apache heartsong cover
  6. Lunch with the Hubs at his work
  7. Getting a “cat-call” while walking yesterday

These are just a few of the reasons of the top of my head real quick why I’ve smiled this week. How about you- what’s made your week happy?

1 comment:

Edissa Inspirational Art said...

Way to go! I'm glad you have a job you like and are excelling at it!
This week... Joe came home one night. That was fun, lol. Nathan started writing his name, I got to go outside without a coat!

