Are You Smiling Yet? If not- You will be!

No one's looking, it's safe. Go ahead- Smile & have yourself a little giggle as you read about my life and the thoughts that come spilling out of my head. (Watch out for flooding though- my head's not as near as empty as my husband claims it to be!) If my ramblings don't make your day a little brighter nothing will! I promise I won't be offended if you laugh at my expense- I consider it an honor to spread happiness. Besides- if I can laugh at myself you certainly can too!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Handed out smiles today

I found some individual mints at the dollar store today when I was shopping and just had to pick them up. They had smiley faces on one side & “Smile, Be Happy” on the other. They’re just like these:

smiley mints

I gave them away to people inside & out of Walmart. Simply told them they needed a smile & to have a good day. Then I seen an elderly lady loading groceries into the trunk of her car by herself and helped her finish. I’m trying to be on the lookout for more RAOK opportunities that I can do. It’s hard some days- the rush of go-go-go life tries to control me.  ;o)   But I figure if I keep trying & make kindness a priority it’ll all balance out.

Now to go work on some fun kindness for my family- dishes done & laundry going will be a big kindness to the hubs. And getting a surprise advent calendar for the kids done before Dec. 1st will be a kindness to them. (Last year was the first year I dropped the ball on the fun Christmas traditions I do & I want to make sure it doesn’t happen again this year!)

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Flowers for Random Strangers

Seeing a marked down bouquet of flowers at Kroger's the other day and I felt the need to just do a total random act of kindness again. So a few days late I celebrated a monthly holiday I’ve neglected for quite some time- GFTAS Day. No pics because it was a spur of the moment thing & I’m one of those weird people that don’t have the standard camera-equipped cell phone. But that’s ok- this puts the focus on the giving like it should be.

I separated the bunch to be able to spread the joy out more. I seen a lady get out of the car next to me with her grandson outside the dollar store as I was leaving, so I decided she was my first “victim”. I left some pretty flowers (no idea what kind) on the windshield of her car. Then as I was leaving I seen an older woman getting in her vehicle. I quickly parked my van & knocked on her window (bet that was a surprise) and when she cracked her door I told her “this is for you” as I gave her a rose. Her face instantly lit up and she thanked me.

Next stop on my errand list was Wal-Mart. When I was getting ready to go inside there was a lady loading her cartful of groceries in the back of her vehicle. While she was busy I laid a rose on the top of her cart and told her it was for her. Her demeanor instantly changed from on of drudgery to joy. She thanked me brightly and I wished her a good day. Her response was that she was already now.

A drive through the grocery store parking lot revealed an elderly woman putting bags in her vehicle. I don’t know quite what she thought of being handed a rose from a stranger- I don’t think she got past the surprise before I was back in the van on the way again.

Left with a small broken stemmed carnation I was stumped until I went through the drive-thru at my bank. While the teller inside was depositing my money I taped a RAOK from onto the stem. When I retrieved my receipt I slyly put the flower in the carrier thing for the next banker to find.


I forgot how much fun it was to celebrate this random kindness holiday created by a kind giving soul. I definitely want to do it more often!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge- 30 Days of Thankfulness

November = 30 Days of Thankfulness being shared. Last year I was inspired by an Attitude of Gratitude Challenge put forth by Kendra at My Insanity for the month of November and while my blogging skills about it lapsed considerably- I enjoyed the focus it helped me put on being thankful and expressing it to others. So this year I’m going to once again do a daily tally of what I am thankful for in my life. Whether I can find another blog that’s hosting a similar challenge to join or if I go solo- you can bet I’ll be counting my blessings daily. I’ll even try and find the time to share them virtually- but no promises because life’s full of fun & crazies and needs to be enjoyed more than by just sitting in front of a computer screen.

I think my personal challenge this time is to do more than virtually write & verbally express what I’m thankful for. I’m going to strive to show others in a more personal way that they are blessings in my life.


Day 1: I'm thankful for the journey of my life- it has made me the person I am today. All the trials & tribulations, joys & sorrows have taught me so many lessons. And the greatest one is that you should always focus on the good things- for there is always something to be thankful for every day of your life.

